Is Ash Falling?
Is Ash Falling? project is a database module and web interface allowing the public and Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) staff to enter reports of ashfall in their local area in real time and retrospectively following an eruptive event. Users browsing the AVO website during eruptions will be directed towards a web form allowing them to fill in ashfall information and submit the information to AVO. The ashfall report database will help AVO track eruption clouds and associated fallout downwind. These reports from the public will also give scientists a more complete record of the amount and duration and other conditions of ash fall. First-hand accounts of ashfall will support ashfall model development and interpretation of satellite imagery and will improve ashfall warning messages. The online form will also free up resources during exceedingly busy times during an eruption, as most individuals currently phone AVO with their reports.
volcanic ash

Team Members


Yumi Sakai

bird, animals, human, birds, birds


Jack Jack

ai, machine learning, web development, code